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Bastien Nicolaï, multi-faceted podcaster

Information updated on 31/05/21

Narrator and specialist in voice-overs, he created Studio Podcast Montpellier to offer the fast-growing audio content format on the Internet. Here is a profile of Bastien Nicolaï.

Bastien Nicolaï Podcast © 3M - Maugendre David

Bastien Nicolaï, podcaster

A new showcase for podcasts. Bastien Nicolaï founded Studio Podcast Montpellier, a new recording company that further enriches the offering available in Montpellier.

“The podcast market is just getting started in France. It is a highly desirable content format, as it gives you a way to tell stories differently and stand out,” he explains.

Bastien Nicolaï has made this his specialty. With a degree from ACFA Multimedia, where he finished third in his class, the young 27-year-old furthered his education with professional experience. Since 2018, he has been working with Benjamins Media, one of the main children's audio book publishers, based in Montpellier. The studio notably works for Audible, Amazon’s audio book subsidiary. Starting in 2020, he began offering his own podcast channel: Bastien’s Journal (Le Carnet de bord de Bastien) available on Apple Podcasts, Deezer, Spotify, and YouTube, where he shares recommendations, exercises and stories for independents, freelancers, and entrepreneurs.
That was how Bastien Nicolaï learned a lot about the profession, particularly through contact with voice actors such as Hervé Carrasco, Natacha Fabry, Marion Trintignant, and David Tartar. Over time, Bastien Nicolaï established a solid reputation, which he continued to build by creating a series of podcasts to present the profiles of all the members of Coodio, the only group in France that unites audio, radio, and voice professionals, based in Montpellier.
With that experience, and having produced hundreds of audio books, the young man is ready for the next step. He knows the podcast has the wind in its sails.

“People don’t always have more time to read these days. Podcasts have the same qualities as audio books, giving people a chance to occupy themselves with something enjoyable and useful while spending time in public transportation, doing household tasks, or even just sitting at the beach. More than that, podcasts can reach more audiences and are accessible to people with visual deficiencies,” highlights Bastien Nicolaï.

His long-term goal is for his studio to create an equal number of podcasts and audio novels or series, both for communication by creators and marketing for businesses.

“It’s even easier here because Montpellier’s creative and cultural industries ecosystem is particularly rich and diverse. Not only that, but Montpellier Métropole has a strong desire to promote this new type of communication tool.”

After organizing the C dans le son competition, Montpellier BIC in April launched Passe-moi le BIC, its own podcast channel… mixed by Bastien Nicolaï. The circle is complete.
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