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Dominique Sanchez, taking care of others

Information updated on 30/11/21

Manager of the Nature & Pastel store located in downtown Montpellier, she offers local, organic, and ethical product lines. Here is her profile.

Dominique Sanchez, Gérante de Nature & Pastel ©Maugendre David

Dominique Sanchez, manager of Nature & Pastel ©Maugendre David

She knows how to rebound without ever deviating from her main track: taking care of others. Dominique Sanchez has managed a store on Rue Valedau in Montpellier that began under the Toulouse-based Graine de Pastel brand. The company then became independent and was renamed Nature et Pastel.

I was the first and only franchisee in their network of stores. As it was obvious that there wouldn't be any others, I preferred to become independent in 2019 and still continue to distribute their products,” she explains.

Dominique Sanchez now offers a wider product range to meet the demands of customers who are committed to buying organic, local, and ethical goods, paying careful attention to body care and wellness. Her store presents a mix of cosmetics, tableware, ambient perfumes, artisan soaps, handbags, and jewelry, all made within the borders of the Occitanie region. The Graine de Pastel brand is now complemented by others such as Arthur Dupuy, Ylaé, Grand Travers, Amethic, Bleu par Nature, and more.
Dominique Sanchez had just made the change when the health crisis hit. Hard times!

“Fortunately, I received financial support for rent provided by Montpellier Métropole and the city of Montpellier. Along with the government’s solidarity fund, that helped me get through the period,” she admits.

As an educator with a degree in psychology, she had – before opening the store – worked for nearly 20 years with young children and their families, making good use of her strong ability to listen. That quality, which she refined with time and experience, has become an asset that has helped her face the consequences of the health crisis and to continue moving forward.
That’s how Dominique Sanchez decided to create her website and promote her presence on Instagram. She created a space upstairs at the store dedicated for care, by appointment, for plantar reflexology (feet), palmar reflexology (hands), well-being massage... all handled by a reflexologist. Lastly, Dominique Sanchez is also getting ready to launch a series of discovery workshops about her products and services.

“You have to work a lot, rebound, and listen to yourself,” she concludes. “I have always been involved in caring for others. So, that’s what I do at my store.”

It’s all about wellness and well-being.

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