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Jobs: 16 Montpellier Métropole actions

Information updated on 21/05/19

Montpellier Métropole is one of the focal points for meeting the needs of the business community effectively. Local authorities support the territory’s undeniable vitality through concrete and pragmatic actions.

Emploi : 16 actions de la Métropole
Giving entrepreneurs seeking to create a company the desire and means to move forward, while facilitating occupational inclusion. Helping new talent emerge and enabling investors to take part in the urban community. Helping our SMEs and VSEs grow by creating opportunities to export.

With its many partners, Montpellier Métropole is active on all fronts to boost employment: facilitating occupational inclusion, helping companies get started, welcoming new investors, and encouraging entrepreneurs with their efforts. 16 concrete examples demonstrate the local initiative, such as enabling young people to meet Montpellier BIC company directors as part of the Companies and Neighborhoods Charter, “Meetings for Employment” events, “Let’s dare to be committed entrepreneurs”, and more. Download the article in the April 2019 issue of MMMag to discover all the initiatives.
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