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Montpellier Game Lab, a program to help young video game studios take off

Information updated on 14/12/21

Montpellier BIC and the Push Start association launch an unprecedented assistance program designed to reinforce development of startups in this industry.

Le Montpellier Game Lab, un programme pour aider les jeunes studios de jeu vidéo à décoller
Montpellier Game Lab’s goal is to give young video game studios all the keys they need to succeed and grow in the Montpellier Métropole area. The unique assistance program was recently created by Montpellier BIC and Push Start, a regional association for video game professionals and future professionals.
Launched in March 2021, Montpellier Game Lab seeks to take into account the specific needs of young companies in the video game industry. While those companies may be filled with talent, they nonetheless need to grow on a solid foundation.
The two partners therefore elaborated a six-month program during which Montpellier BIC will contribute its expertise relating to incubation, innovation, and general assistance for creating innovative companies. Push Start brings its in-depth knowledge about the video game ecosystem, from project coordination to the creative process including production, methodology, funding, and marketing.

“This program combines our respective skill sets so they are of the greatest benefit to young video game studios,” summarizes François Cubaynes, Managing Director of Push Start.  “Our objective is to help video game studios take off by reinforcing the entrepreneurial skills of their founders,” adds Florent Desserre, the Montpellier BIC project manager in charge of the program.

Five young video game studios were chosen

Five young video game studios were chosen during the preselection process:  Bblack Studio, Build The Light, Exalted Studio, Fireplace Games, and Play Curious. These companies will benefit from a personalized assistance program and group actions through September. A total of eight to ten workshops will be held, and each company will be supervised by a mentor from Push Start. When the Montpellier Game Lab program is finished, the five studios should present their pitches at the next Montpellier Cultural and Creative Industries event (MICC).
Montpellier Game Lab therefore fits in perfectly with policy implemented by Montpellier Métropole to support creative and cultural industries in order to strengthen its position as a stronghold for the video game industry. Even though it just began, the program has already met its first objectives.

“The assistance being offered to us is highly valuable,” highlights Laurent Kobel, Game Director at Exalted Studio. He adds: “They challenge us on the finer points of our plans which were not really finalized, pushing us outside our comfort zone.”

That’s the whole point. Montpellier Game Lab, helping companies stay in the game (or keep their eye on the game, or never be ejected from of the game).

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