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Company founders, follow the guide!

Information updated on 20/06/18

For the past 20 years, Montpellier-based Franck Beuttin has published the “Company founder’s guide” for the Mediterranean region. Five regional editions were added in 2017. In the 2018 “Grand Sud” edition, he covers legal status options, funding, aid, tax regimens, administrative formalities, and more, all from the founder’s perspective.

While studying marketing in northern France, Franck Beuttin became fascinated with company creation. “Being a company founder is like going through an airlock... you need to make the right choices and decisions in order to pass through. I wondered what tool would be useful for helping project leaders take action.”
After earning his Master’s degree, Franck Beuttin first worked on commercial projects related to publishing and office furnishings. When he was 27 years old, he created the Prodev agency and released the first “Mediterranean Company Founder’s Guide” (Guide du créateur d’entreprise Méditerranée). Other regional editions were added starting in 2007.
Half a dozen new editions* will be released in 2018, including the “Grand Sud” edition (covering the Occitanie/Pyrénées-Mediterranean and PACA regions), launched at the Creative Place conference held in Montpellier in December. Franck Beuttin is considering local personalized editions, on a department- or metropolis-wide level.
“With the profusion of information available on the web, this guide remains a clear, complete, and simple tool,” says the entrepreneur. Used by over 200 support networks, certified accountants, franchises, banks, and Pôle Emploi employment agencies, the guide is also distributed at trade shows, such as the upcoming Franchise Expo Paris at the end of March. Based at Buro&Co in the Stratège building in Montpellier’s Millénaire district, Franck Beuttin has traveled throughout France to meet company founders. He has noticed significant evolution in the self-entrepreneur and micro-entrepreneur trend.
“The line between the employee and the entrepreneur has blurred. Many manager-level employees and retired people want to start a business. The founder profile has broadened. I now see more women and the average age has dropped by at least ten years. Creating their own company has become a real goal for some students.” Project leaders will have an opportunity to ask him questions at the 2nd “Franchise Success Occitanie” conference on June 19 at the Montpellier Corum conference center.
* French regions: Hauts de France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Nouvelle Aquitaine, Grand Ouest, and Nord Est.
Find out more:
- Company Creators Guide , on social networks, @creeruneentreprise, hotline 09 81 990 800- Creating your company in the Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole area- Getting assistance from Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole BIC