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Irdi Soridec Gestion launches two new capital-innovation funds

Information updated on 20/06/18

Irdi Soridec Gestion is launching two seed capital and innovation funds of 35 - 40 million euros each in early 2018. Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole invested three million euros to support these new financial tools.

Young, agile, and ambitious innovative companies know they can count on Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, including when it comes to funding: local authorities invested a total of three million euros in two investment funds launched in early 2018 by Irdi Soridec Gestion.
Dozens of local, high-potential startups have already been able to benefit from Irdi Soridec funds to fuel their growth. 
An expert in seed capital, venture capital, growth capital, and transferring businesses in France's Occitanie and Nouvelle-Aquitaine regions, Irdi Soridec is backed by a pool of bank, institutional, and industry partners to launch the Irdinov 2 and Aelis Innovation funds, each starting with 35 million euros. Irdinov 2 was created for companies in their seed phase, with a goal of reaching 20 to 25 investments. Targeting companies still in their startup phase, but ready to move on to industrialization and market access, Aelis Innovation could reach 35 to 40 million euros in the coming months. The fund's objective is to reach 25 to 30 companies over five years.
Many rising stars in the Montpellier startup community have been able to take off with the help of Irdi Soridec Gestion venture capital funding: From 2000 to 2017, Soridec and Jeremie LR injected over 27.5 million euros into 85 companies, including Techsia and Medtech, and more recently, Pradeo, Care Labs, and Matooma. The latest investments went to up-and-coming startups Octipas, LK Spatialist, Il était un Fruit, Tell Me Plus, Bulane, and Vogo. Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole BIC identified and assisted most of these high-potential startups.
Adding a third project manager to its Montpellier team in mid-January, Irdi Soridec Gestion has in-depth knowledge and a long history with the local business community. The company has also established close working relationships with project managers at the Cap Alpha and Cap Omega startup incubators. As an investing partner, Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole participates in fund investment committees involving a dozen financiers and experts.
Find out more:
- Irdi Soridec: 1,200 companies assisted, over €500 million invested since it was founded. The executive board is comprised of Corinne d’Agrain (president), Bertrand Religieux, and Karine François. A team of 22 investment-capital specialists covers the Montpellier, Toulouse, and Bordeaux areas.
- Accessing funding 
- Join us in March 2018 for the Montpellier Venture Capital event 
- Joining innovation networks