
103 results
  1. Jordan Miron dirige Resilient Innovation. Il tient le boîtier Walk, qu’il a inventé, dans sa main © David Crespin

    “Walk”, the clever device that helps people walk

    Montpellier startup Resilient Innovation designed Walk, a wearable electronic device that helps elderly people and patients with Parkinson’s disease recover their autonomy through better walking.

  2. Nicolas Jerez, président de Bulane ©DR

    Meeting our success stories / Interview with Nicolas Jerez, CEO of Bulane

    “You succeed together, not alone”

  3. Frédéric Bourrely - Mon Chasseur Immo©David Crespin

    Meeting our success stories / Interview with Frédéric Bourelly, Founder and CEO of Mon Chasseur Immo

    “A favorable ecosystem for innovation”

  4. Mohammed Boumédiane, président du groupe Ziwit©DR

    Meeting our success stories / Interview with Mohammed Boumédiane, Founder and CEO of the Ziwit group

    "Montpellier Métropole is the hotbed of tomorrow’s companies"

  5. E-DENTECH©Edouard Hannoteaux

    e-DENTECH introduces teledentistry for oral consultations

    The Montpellier startup e-DENTECH has developed a teledentistry solution for remote oral consultations. Approved after experimentation at Montpellier CHU, the solution is now available for the soci...

  6. Lionel Vargel, président et cofondateur de Compufirst ©DR

    Meeting our success stories / Interview with Lionel Vargel, CEO and co-founder of Compufirst

    “The founder is the best sales representative!”

  7. Roland Sicard et Clément Sicard - La Valériane©David Crespin

    Meeting our success stories / Interview with Roland Sicard, CEO of La Valériane

    “The key to success is to combine technology and human factors”

  8. Laure Barbaza dirigeante de la Fabic ©David Crespin

    Fabic offers innovative services for culinary creators

    Laure Barbaza pioneered custom services for culinary creators: kitchen rentals, event organization, project assistance, and an expertise platform. And thus, Fabic was born.

  9. Tixeo earns France Cybersecurity certification for its secure videoconferencing

    Tixeo was awarded France Cybersecurity certification at the 11th edition of the International Cybersecurity Forum held in Lille, France, on January 22-23, becoming the first videoconferencing solut...

  10. A la rencontre de nos succePascal Magnier et Clément Penin, co-dirigeants d’Expernova

    Meeting our success stories / Interview with Pascal Magnier and Clément Penin, co-directors of Expernova

    “Beyond the idea, your ability to execute is what makes the difference”
