
54 results
  1. French Tech: rewarding Montpellier's Vitality

  2. Matooma benefits from French Tech Pass exposure

    Matooma, a Montpellier startup specialized in managing connected objects using SIM cards, benefits from the effects of the French Tech Pass, which it obtained in 2015.

  3. Private Sport Shop in just four years: €40 million in revenue, over 100 employees, and a French Tech Pass

    In 2011, Guillaume Bertel and Benoit Durand founded Privatesportshop, an online store that sells sporting goods at attractive prices. At the end of 2015, the company had over 100 employees as well ...

  4. 1001Pharma raises €8 million to expand in Europe

    1001Pharma, created by Cédric O’Neill and Sabine Safi three years ago, has developed an online sales platform for health products, first in France and then in China. With the funds recently raised ...

  5. Teads joins Altice to counter Google and Facebook

    Teads, one of the rising stars in the Montpellier French Tech community, was acquired by the Altice group, whose CEO is Patrick Drahi. Taking effect in May, this merger will further strengthen visi...

  6. Montpellier welcomes an accelerator for digital agriculture projects

    Smag, specialized in technical farming applications, will share its new offices with an “agro-digital studio.” This innovative structure created by the In Vivo group, a majority Smag shareholder, w...

  7. Tageos to triple its RFID tag production

    Tageos, a local company, was selected for the French Tech Pass because of its staggering growth. Tageos expects to triple its production of RFID tags at its Montpellier site to meet extremely high ...

  8. ArtFx special effects school moves to new site

    ArtFx, a school specialized in special effects and animation cinema, recently moved to its new location at the Parc Euromédecine science park. Along with another local school, ESMA, ArtFx is recogn...

  9. Pradeo has analyzed over 1,250,000 mobile applications and secured over 250,000 mobile terminals around the world

    Pradeo, specializing in mobile application security, has deployed its efforts internationally over the past year, opening subsidiaries and establishing partnerships around the world. The company is...

  10. Dropy upgrades online stores to marketplace 2.0

    Launched one year ago by the young Montpellier entrepreneur Antoine Dematté, Dropy enables high-profile online stores to become marketplaces with links to catalogs of complementary businesses. Host...
